Description : Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer
Category : Crop Nutrition

INDORHYZA is a new generation mycorrhizal biofertilizer and organic nutritional product.


Better root development and crop vigour., Improves soil health and drought tolerance ability of crop plants., Supports in superior tillering, Reducing the crop maturity duration. , Better yield and improvement in keeping quality of the produce, Reduces the requirement of Phosphorus fertilizers

Suggested Uses:
Crop Target Pest Formulation concentration
Paddy Transplanted Vegetables 4 kg Within 15 days after Transplanting
Wheat Groundnut Pulses Mustard Corn Barley Jowar Bajra etc. 4 kg At the time if 1st irrigation after sowing
Cotton Potato etc. 4-6 kg At the time if 1st irrigation after sowing
Sugarcane Ginger Turmeric 8 kg 1 application: 45kg DAP and 2 application: 120 kg DAP
Fruit Horticultural Crops 50-60 g/ Apply in the root zone